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Qdr.OperatorsGuide History

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(:title Operators:)
(:category: Guide :)
(:Summary: Operators supported. :)

Quick Dice Roller support the main four '''operators''' (@@+@@,@@*@@,@@-@@,@@/@@) as well as the special @@d@@ operator.

The output of such operators is a [[Qdr/ValuesGuide|value]] with the ''numeric'' equal to the numeric result of the operation, and the ''label'' equal to the labels of the two operators separated by the operator (i.e. "@@3*2@@").

!! Dice operator
The special @@d@@ operator is used to roll dice. As most of you already know, "@@2d6@@" means ''roll two times a six faced die, and add all the results together''.

The @@d@@ operator has the highest priority, and is evaluated before any other operator, thus "@@2d6*3@@" means ''add the result of two six sided dice and then multiply it by 3''.

The output of the @@d@@ operator is a [[Qdr/ValuesGuide|value]] with the ''numeric'' equal to the numeric result of the roll, and the ''label'' equal to the numeric result surrounded by square brackets (i.e. "@@[5]*3@@").

!!! Special cases
If the number of dice to roll is less or equal to @@0@@, then no dice are rolled at all. If the number of faces is less or equal to @@1@@, then a single sided dice (i.e. a dice that will always return @@1@@) is rolled.

!!! Naming conventions
It is possible to use @@t@@ (swedish tärning) or @@w@@ (deutch würfel) as alternative of @@d@@.
Page last modified on September 09, 2015, at 06:19 PM