Qdr /

Function Reference

Qdr.Functions History

Show minor edits - Show changes to output

Changed line 8 from:
(:pagelist fmt=#custom group={$Group} $:format=- order=title :)
(:pagelist fmt=#custom group={$Group} $:category=function? order=title :)
Changed line 13 from:
* [[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]] - {=$:Summary}\\
* [[{=$Group}/{=$Name}|{=$Titlespaced}]] - {=$:Summary}\\
Changed line 1 from:
(:title Quick Dice Roller Functions:)
(:title Function Reference:)
Changed line 16 from:
Added lines 1-7:
(:title Quick Dice Roller Functions:)
(:Summary:Quick Dice Roller Functions reference:)

Please feel free to contact me to improve this section or to suggest new functions.

Also, check [[https://plus.google.com/communities/103741122374648637652|the G+ community]] to ask for help, send suggestion and read latest news about Quick Dice Roller.

Added line 9:
Added line 13:
* [[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]] - {=$:Summary}\\
Changed lines 15-16 from:
Added lines 1-7:
(:pagelist fmt=#custom group={$Group} $:format=- order=title :)
(:template each:)
Page last modified on October 23, 2014, at 12:46 PM