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QdrEs: Quick Start Guide

The page "QdrEs.QuickStart" doesn't exist.

English version:

Roll a die

To roll a die, simply touch it.

A pop-up will show the outcome, and a new roll result will be added to the list.

Change dice bag

To access to the dice bags swipe from left to right.

Touch a dice bag to set it as the current.

Edit a die

To edit, move or delete a die, long press on it and then select an option from it's menu.

Edit named values

To access to the named values collection swipe from right to left.

Touch a named value to change it's current value.

Everything else

Other options are available through the application menu.

You can open the application menu through the application bar or via the hardware button, depending on your device model and Android OS version.

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Última modificación de la página el 19 de May de 2024 a las 08h19