From Ohmnibus.NET

Qdr: Burning Wheel

This function is used to support Burning Wheel rules.


bwheel(roll, poolSize, target, rollAgain)
roll: The formula to be tested.
poolSize: Number of times roll is evaluated.
target: Value to reach with roll to obtain a success.
rollAgain: Value to reach to obtain an extra roll.
Number of times that roll is evaluated greater than or equal to target.


This function is used to support Burning Wheel rules. The value of roll is evaluated poolSize times. Each time the value obtained is greater than or equal to target, a success is achieved.

If the value obtained is greater or equal to rollAgain, a new roll is made.

The function returns the number of success totalized.


Some results generated by bwheel(1d6, 5, 4, 6).
[4!,2,1,4!,1] = 2 (each "!" denotes a success)
[5!,3,3,3,1] = 1
[4!,4!,3,6!»4!,2] = 4 (each "»" denotes an extra roll)


Supported since Quick Dice Roller 1.3.3

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Page last modified on October 21, 2014, at 09:12 PM